WKF China K-12 Education, Chengdu

Youth Training Center “Chengdu MY Sports Hall” was officially licensed and put into operation

On June 17, 2024, the “WKF World Kickboxing Federation China” K-12 Education (Chengdu) Youth Training Center License Awarding Ceremony” was held at Chengdu MY Sports Hall. Under the witness of Mr. Fan Huakun, Executive Vice President of the Education and Science Committee of the Sichuan Western Returned Scholars Association, and Mr. Geng Zhipeng, Secretary-General of Chengdu Zhitong Wushu Research Institute, and other leaders and guests, Dr. Yan Di’nan, Chairman of the WKF World Kickboxing Federation China, issued an authorization certificate to Mr. Jing Dong, Director of Chengdu MY Sports Hall, and the “WKF-K12 (Chengdu) Youth Training Center” was officially licensed and put into operation.

WKF CHINA international

The “WKF-K12 Youth Physical Fitness Wushu Fighting Education Program” developed by the WKF World Kickboxing Federation (Chinese) Textbook Editorial Committee strictly follows the “Guidelines for Learning and Development of Children Aged 3-6”, “Compulsory Education Physical Education and Health Curriculum Standards”, and “General High School Physical Education and Health Curriculum Standards” issued by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (2022 Edition). Combined with the WKF World Kickboxing Federation’s international rank assessment system, according to the growth and development of adolescents in special periods, a youth physical fitness training program featuring martial arts fighting education is developed that combines safety and applicability.





Maciej Krzyżanowski – new WKF POLAND national coach

I am pleased to announce as the President of WKF Poland that Maciej Krzyżanowski, who is the coach of the Gladiator Jarosław Sports Club and a former fighter of the PZKB, WKF, PFKB and XFC federation, is returning to our Federation.

Wszystkie informacje znajdziesz TUTAJ

He was, among others, a multiple Polish medalist, European Pro-Am Champion in the Low-Kick division, and ended at the Polish Professional Championship winning this title.

Maciej Krzyżanowski has been appointed as one of the coaches of the Polish National Kickboxing Team to the WKF European Federation.

We look forward that the fighters from KS Gladiator Jarosław will take part in the World Championships in Spain November 18th to 22nd.

I think this is just the beginning of our amazing cooperation. 😊

Maciej Krzyżanowski, WKF POLAND

Z przyjemnością informuję jako Prezydent WKF Poland, że do naszej Federacji wraca Maciej Krzyżanowski, który jest trenerem Klubu Sportowego Gladiator Jarosław oraz byłym zawodnikiem PZKB, WKF,PFKB i federacji XFC.

Był między innymi wielokrotnym medalistą Polski, Mistrzem Europy Pro-Am w formule Low-kic jak i zakończył na Zawodowym Mistrzostwie Polski zdobywając ten tytuł.

Maciej Krzyżanowski został powołany jako jeden z trenerów Reprezentacji Polski Kick-Boxingu do Federacji WKF. 

Cieszymy się, że zawodnicy z KS Gladiator Jarosław wezmą udział już w listopadzie w Mistrzostwach Świata w Hiszpanii.

Myślę, że to dopiero początek naszej dobrej współpracy.

Romania Open in Rucar on Juli 20th

Master Florin MINA, President of WKF ROMANIA, and Vice president of WKF EUROPE continental federation, is hosting the super event that will take place on July 20, 2024 in the beautiful mountain region of Rucar (Arges County) and the Golden League Championship.

30th Romania International Open Kickboxing Tournament

The main supporter of the event, Mr. Cosmin Horatiu Jieanu, President of Swat Force Romania, will be there.

The official weigh-in will take place on Friday, July 19 and the event will begin at 9 a.m. on Saturday.

With a view to the Super World Championships in November in Spain, we recommend that all of our members in the WKF EUROPA compete in the City Rucar with as large a team as possible and support our Romanian sports friends. The announcement in English on request by E-mail

The following have already confirmed their participation: Hungary, Germany, Poland, Moldova, Austria and others from Eastern and Western Europe.

Romania warmly welcomes everyone!

International Referee Seminar in Latinamerica

Seminario Internacional de Árbitros en Colombia el 20 de julio

Fritz EXENBERGER fue invitado a Colombia como supervisor de la WKF.

Están programadas muchas discusiones con nuestros presidentes de LAC

Los preparativos para el Mundial también están en pleno apogeo en América Latina.

International referee seminar in Colombia on July 20th

Fritz EXENBERGER was invited to Colombia as the WKF supervisor.

Many discussions are planned with our LAC presidents

Preparations for the  “Campeonato mundial”  are also in full swing in Latin America.

WKF FRANCE confirmed huge team for Spain

WKF FRANCE president, M. John LELONG

For good reason, a change in the leadership of the WKF FRANCE was also necessary in France.

E-mail contact

We are therefore pleased to introduce our new president in France.
All our French athletes who would like to take part in the WKF World Championships in the City Alicante, Spain 18th to 22nd November, please send an email to M. Lelong.

You can find his short introduction here:
from the beginning of my practice until today … 
I’ve been practicing martial arts and combat sports since I was 8 years old, I’m currently 48, so I’ve been practicing it for 40 years. 
In 1993, when I was in the army, I created a method of fighting that I called Boxe Libre. 
in 1995 I organized the first Coupe de France of boxe libre. 
the Boxe Libre is one of the first free fighting disciplines in France. 
attached is the link of the last Coupe de France of free boxing that we organized in France. 
I continued to refine this method by going to fight fighters in Divers Federation and in different disciplines. 
Time and injuries caught up with me 😀
Today I take part in workshops and I try to make as many people as possible aware of the beauty and richness of martial arts and combat sports. 

Novedades de Latinoamérica / News from America Latina

Nuevos Danes WKF en Argentina

El pasado 20 de Abril se tomaron exámenes avalados por WKF a tres nuevos cinturones Negros. El Examen estuvo a cargo del asesor técnico Cristian Bosch junto a Florencia Greco quien se sumo a la mesa Examinadora.

Luego de un exigente examen de casi 3 horas se graduaron Lorenzo Toledo Cinturón Negro 1er Dan de WKF en Argentina y de San Rafael Mendoza se graduaron Mauricio Campos Cinturón Negro 1er Dan de WKF y Brian Palacios Cinturón Negro 1er Dan de Wkf.

Nuestras felicitaciones a todos Ellos.


¡¡Copa Argentina un éxito TOTAL!!

Desde el Angulo que lo miren la COPA ARGENTINA del 21 de abril de 2024 fue un EXITO TOTAL 540 competidores en diferentes modalidades de 65 escuelas dieron todo para llevar a ser campeones de las categorías, algunas muy exigentes ya que había llaves de 12 y 14 competidores.

El Estadio se colmó desde el comienzo donde las contiendas iniciaron desde las 14:00hs culminando entre las 23:00 y la 0:00 fueron 10 horas de eventos trabajando en simultaneo 1 Tatami y 3 rings para realizar 360 peleas, un nuevo record para Argentina ya que teníamos la marca de 310 peleas (en 3 rings) en el año 2010.

El nivel que se vio fue muy alto, no se sabía quién podía ganar las llaves eran muy ajustadas, en especial las de LOW en 60, 63.500, 67 y 71 fueron llaves de 5/ 6 peleas para llegar a la final.

Llegaron competidores de Corrientes, Córdoba, San Luis, Mendoza, San Juan, Santa Fe, Entre Rios, Buenos Aires, Chubut, Santa Cruz y desde Ushuaia e invitamos al equipo de WKF Uruguay.

¡¡Los mejores llegaron a las finales y esos son verdaderos peleadores del Infierno!!


Chile Título Continental PROAM en los 81,000 Kgs.

El 4 de mayo se realizó en Santiago de Chile el evento FIGHT FOR HONOR de la liga nacional de kickboxing, en esta oportunidad los asistentes pudieron disfrutar de más de 50 combates en distintas modalidades (kick light, low kick, K1 y Muay Thai).

Entre los combates más destacados encontramos un super 4 pro am de Muay Thai en dónde Diego Díaz se corono como campeón chileno de la modalidad en los 63.5 kilos,

Un triangular por el título continental pro am de K1 WKF en los 81 kilos entre los representantes de Bolivia Jorge Véliz, Colombia Nicolás Norato y Chile Bernardo Arriagada quien se queda con el título luego de  ganar dos combates muy duros en el primero logra vencer al representante de Bolivia y en la final vence por TKO al representante de Colombia.



La jornada se cerró con un combate profesional de Muay Thai entre Josefa Tellez y Anais Mosqueira en dónde Josefa se impone por TKO en el primer round sumando puntos al ranking profesional.







Copa Mercosur en Chaco, ARGENTINA vs PARAGUAY

El sábado 11 de mayo en un marco imponente se vivió la primera edición de la COPA MERCOSUR donde se enfrentaron Competidores de Argentina y Paraguay el desafío 5×5 que le da la oportunidad a competidores del interior del pais a sumar experiencia en competencias internacionales.

El resultado fue 3.5 a 1.5 a favor de Argentina quedando la copa en nuestro país, y dando lugar a la vuelta que se realizara el 10 de Agosto en Asunción del Paraguay.


Felicitar a cada integrante del equipo argentino, Rocio Sandoval, Martin Coceres, Eliezer Pavon, Luis Alvarez y Matias Pedrozo por sus logros, más allá de los resultados lo positivo es defender los colores en la competencia Internacional y agradecer la gestión de Francisco Lefevbre y a cada entrenador de seleccionado Paraguayo por su participación.

Destacar las peleas profesionales con exponentes de Salta, Santiago del Estero, Paraguay y Chaco que fueron grandes combates.



Por primera vez en el CARIBE el próximo 20 de Julio tendremos la visita del presidente Mundial de La Federación Mundial de Kickboxing quien estará brindando 2 capacitaciones Internacionales, una dirigida a las modalidades de TATAMI únicamente y la Capacitación Internacional de Referees con Licencia Internacional valida por 3 años.

La visita culminara con el campeonato continental que se realizara en Bucaramanga donde se disputaran fajas nacionales e internacionales.

Todas las actividades estarán coordinadas por el Promotor para Colombia el Señor Luis Mediomundo.

dos expertos internacionales y amigos de diferentes continentes / two international experts and friends from different continents


BRASIL URUGUAY y BOLIVIA con campeonatos Clasificatorios al Mundial de España

El continente americano viene pisando fuerte preparando los competidores para el próximo mundial de Alicante y para ello se presentan 3 eventos

COPA BOLIVIA 8 de junio en Cochabamba.

NOCHE DE GLORIA, 18 de mayo Montevideo.

CAMPEONATO BRASILERO de Kickboxing, 10 y 11 de Agosto Catalão Goiás


News from WKF in Argentina

On April 20th, the exams recommended by the WKF were taken for three new black belts. The exam was led by technical advisor Cristian Bosch together with Florencia Greco, who joined the examiner’s table.

After a demanding test lasting almost three hours, Lorenzo Toledo completed the 1st Dan Black Belt of the WKF in Argentina, Mauricio Campos completed San Rafael Mendoza with the 1st Dan Black Belt of the WKF and Brian Palacios completed the 1st Dan Black Belt of the WKF .

Our congratulations to everyone.

Argentine Cup a complete success!!
Seen in this way, the ARGENTINA CUP on April 21, 2024 was a COMPLETE SUCCESS. 540 participants in different modalities from 65 schools gave everything to become champions of the categories, some of which were very demanding since there were key 12 and 14 competitors.

The stadium was packed from the start as the fights started at 2pm and peaked between 11pm and 12am. 10 hours were held simultaneously on 1 tatami and 3 rings, which was a new record in Argentina since we had the mark of 310 fights (in 3 rings) in 2010.
The level that was seen was very high, it was not known who could win. The keys were very close, especially LOW’s 60, 63,500, 67 and 71 were keys for 5/6 battles to reach the final.

Participants came from Corrientes, Córdoba, San Luis, Mendoza, San Juan, Santa Fe, Entre Rios, Buenos Aires, Chubut, Santa Cruz and Ushuaia and we invited the WKF Uruguay team.

The best made it to the final and they are real fighters from hell!!

Chile PROAM Continental title in the 81,000 kg race.
On May 4th, the National Kickboxing League’s FIGHT FOR HONOR event took place in Santiago, Chile. On this occasion, participants were able to enjoy more than 50 fights in different modalities (light kick, low kick, K1 and Muay Thai).
Among the most notable bouts are a Muay Thai Super 4 Pro-Am bout in which Diego Díaz was crowned Chilean champion of the modality over 63.5 kilos, a triangular bout for the continental K1-WKF Pro-Am Title over 81 kilos between the Bolivian representative Jorge Véliz , Colombia’s Nicolás Norato and Chile’s Bernardo Arriagada, who retains the title after winning two very tough fights. In the first he manages to defeat the representative of Bolivia, and in the final he defeats the representative of Colombia by TKO.
The day ended with a professional Muay Thai fight between Josefa Tellez and Anais Mosqueira, where Josefa won by TKO in the first round and added points to the professional rankings.

Mercosur Cup in Chaco, ARGENTINA vs PARAGUAY
On Saturday May 11, in an imposing setting, the first edition of the MERCOSUR CUP took place, where participants from Argentina and Paraguay competed in the 5×5 challenge, which offers participants from the interior of the country the opportunity to gain experience in international competitions collect .

The result was 3.5 to 1.5 in favor of Argentina, so the cup remained in our country and the second leg took place on August 10 in Asunción, Paraguay.

Congratulate each member of the Argentina team, Rocio Sandoval, Martin Coceres, Eliezer Pavon, Luis Alvarez and Matias Pedrozo, on their achievements. Beyond the results, the positive is to defend the colors in international competition and thank the management of Francisco Lefevbre and each coach of the Paraguay national team for his participation.

Highlight the professional fights with representatives from Salta, Santiago del Estero, Paraguay and Chaco, which were great fights.

For the first time in the CARIBBEAN we will have on July 20th the visit of the World President of the World Kickboxing Federation, who will conduct two international training courses, one focused exclusively on TATAMI modalities and the international training of referees with an international license that is valid is 3 years.

The visit will culminate with the continental championship in Bucaramanga, where national and international belts will be contested.
All activities are coordinated by the promoter for Colombia, Mr. Luis Mediomundo.

BRAZIL URUGUAY and BOLIVIA with qualifying championships for the World Cup in Spain
The American continent is intensively preparing the participants for the next World Championships in Alicante and is presenting three events for this purpose

BOLIVIA CUP June 8th in Cochabamba.
NIGHT OF GLORY, May 18 Montevideo.
BRAZILIAN KICKBOXING CHAMPIONSHIP, August 10th and 11th Catalão Goiás

Malaysia vs PNG on September 15th

Malaysia vs PNG

on September 15th

Our high respected president and long time friend WKF Papua New Guinea Mr. Stanley NANDEX announce next high class event in Port Moresby!

He is preparing to host few international bouts and title fights in PNG on the 15th  September 2024 in Port Moresby at the Hilton Hotel. 

Special Guest is WKF World president Mr. Fritz EXENBERGER

MALAYSIA and PAPUA NEW GUINEA both confirmed (!) their participation in the anniversary World Championships in Alicante, Spain in November!

This is today’s preliminary professional fight card:

World title WKF 75kg K1 between , Jeffrey Daka of PNG vs Chee Lian Kai Malaysia. 

Intercontinental Title 60kg k1 rule between Kaupa Omena PNG vs Chia Zhen Cheng Malaysia. (Kaupa is Currently south Pacific and international champion) 

Intercontinental Title 81kg KB rule between Nelson Samson PNG vs Naavin The Talis Malaysia ( Nelson is also Currently  International title champion )

PNG Kickboxing Federation, president Stanley NANDEX

Continental Title 63,5kg  K1 rule between Thomas Kagili PNG vs Wei Kang Malaysia. (Thomas is current Australian and International champion)

International title 67kg K1 rule  between Bata Kai PNG vs Lucyfur King Malaysia. ( Bata is currently PNG champion)

International title 67kg lowkick rule between Ms Arthur James PNG  vs Ameera Aisyah Malaysia. ( Currently Arthur is current PNG champion

More updates and photos coming soon, – stay tunded !

You want to promote WKF titles, or any requests ?


WKF – World Kickboxing Federation


was in last months the fastest growing World sanctioning body

New is our BOXING / BKFC division!

Real events for amateurs and professionals on 6 continents in more than 140 countries shows about the serious activities of our promoter, manager and fighters. You can found more than 1.900 posters since 1964 of our World wide events in our gallery !

Just in last 36 month until today WKF has sanctioned more than 300 title fights (!) World wide. Everywhere on the planet, in all our WKF disciplines !

From South Africa to Scandinavia, from USA to Russia, from Canada to Argentina. For example in Papua new Guinea, Brasil, China and Philippines, as well as again 27 WKF events 2023/24 just on the African continent.

And “We don’t care about a poor, lost and helpless braggart and liar somewhere in the Australian bush” 😀 

Why should you trust our WKF, HERE  is the clear answer !

This confirms once again our WKF slogan :

 “we are the real global player”

We have no fakes on our online event schedule. Our six (!) different male / female World rankings in PPF – Pro Point Fighting, PRO-AM , pro ring sport, Sanda , BOXING and MMA are top, based on information we get from our World wide network.

How it goes? WKF title fight minimum requirements are HERE

If you want to promote a real World title fight with great value, or for any other request, do not hesitate to contact us by mail.

For amateurs we offer our PRO AM title fights for low costs, for point fighters all over the World we offer PPF – PRO POINT FIGHTING – with international valid ranking lists, both divisions with great value and international recognition.

We offer the chance to fight in all 6 tatami and ring sport divisions for our great demand WKF Champion beltsNEW: in BOXING as well !

Here are our 6 pro divisions, with valid World ranking lists, rules, title fight minimum requirements and much more


WKF RUSSIA confirms participation in Spain

Mikhail GERASIMOV and WKF World president Fritz EXENBERGER

Sports policy decisions were made at the international Eastern Europe meeting in Armenia’s capital Yerevan.

WKF RUSSIA is moving on!

Our long-time friend and highly respected manager Mr. Mikhail GERASIMOV from Moscow was proposed by German WKF President Roman LOGISCH as designated World Vice President of the WKF for the Amateur Division at the conference and has already been confirmed by the Presidium.

ВКФ Россия
RUSSIA International / Россия международная

Gerasimov is well know as the promoter and CEO of the World famous “Rage Arena” events in Russia. At the upcoming World Congress in Spain in November there will be new elections for the WKF board and there the new directors will be democratically elected and confirmed!


The new WKF ARMENIA President Mr. Artak BRUTYAN has officially applied in Yerevan to host the WKF European Championships 2025.

The chairman of the WKF EUROPE Technical Commission, Mr. Gerhard CORRADINI, visited the sports hall, the planned main hotel and confirmed the application for the European Championships in autumn 2025.

To date, four nations have officially applied for the European Championships 2026: Armenia, Poland, Albania and the Czech Republic.

The decision on this will also be made at the World Congress in Spain in November.

amazing BOXING / BKFC World title belt