Nuevo Promotor en Nicaragua

Profesor Carlos Alberto Tiffer Peña

Desde la oficina de Latinoamérica le damos la Bienvenida al Profesor Carlos Alberto Tiffer Peña quien se desempeñara como promotor en el Nicaragua país de Centro América.

El señor Peña tiene llegada a todos los Clubes del país y asegura que pronto estarán realizando una mayor cantidad de eventos amateurs incluyendo cruces internacionales entre Nicaragua y Guatemala.
Muchos éxitos en su nuevo Rol de Promotor de la Federación Mundial de Kickboxing.

From the Latin American office we welcome Professor Carlos Alberto Tiffer Peña who will serve as a promoter in Nicaragua, a Central American country.

Mr. Peña has access to all the Clubs in the country and assures that they will soon be holding a greater number of amateur events, including international cross-country events between Nicaragua and Guatemala.

Many successes in his new role as Promoter of the World Kickboxing Federation.

WKF Iraq Pro Kickboxing Committee report

Majeed HUSAM, WKF middle east supervisor

One of our most loyal and active friends in the Middle East is Majeed HUSAM.

As WKF supervisor, he is the highest ranking official of the WKF in this region.

Against all odds, he is successfully trying to move our sport forward and is now reporting on his latest event.

Mr. Husam is also being considered as a possible candidate to become a member of the World Federation Board. As is well known, new elections for the WKF World Federation Board will take place at the World Congress in November in Spain.

WKF IRAQ has already confirmed its participation in the World Championship in Alicante from November 18th to 22nd. The necessary entry visas for Spain will ultimately decide this.

Sponsored by the Iraqi Kickboxing and Martial Arts Foundation, in cooperation with the Al-Kazemi Humanitarian Foundation and the Holy Karbala Youth and Sports Directorate.

WKF ASIA continental federation

The Iraq Pro Kickboxing Committee holds a basic training course and a developmental judging course in the Olympic Hall in the Holy Government of Karbala for two days, Thursday and Friday, 4-5/7/2024.

The world awaits the best girls and boys from iraq and middle east at the World Championships in Alicante, Spain

الشباب سعداء ويستعدون لكأس العالم في إسبانيا


New WKF LITHUANIA team confirmed for Spain

Sveiki atvykę į didelę WKF šeimą !

Our president in Lithuania Mr. Eugenijus DEMIDOV confirm!

WKF LITHUANIA president Mr. Eugenijus DEMIDOV

All our Lithuanian athletes who would like to take part in the WKF World Championships in Spain in November, please send an email to our new WKF LITHUANIA president Mr. Eugenijus DEMIDOV.

You can find his short introduction here:

In sports world 29 years. Different conditions and disciplines for updating the current – main streams 

Full body conditioning / Kickboxing / Muay Thai /  / Psychology – Rehabilitation . Black Belt – certificate of excellence on WKN.

WACO Lithuania tournaments, members of LKF / LMMAF.

PRIOR NOTICE / AVIS PRÉALABLE / 事先通知 / Предварительное извещение / preaviso / Vorankündigung / aviso prévio / पूर्व सूचना

Username and access NOW available on request

registration NOW open until November 1st

what position does YOUR country have in the world? click here

The best male and female WKF champions are welcome in Spain!

NOVEMBER 18th – 22nd    1964 – 2024    60 YEARS WKF
first time with amateur BOXING– MALE AND FEMALES
Bienvenido a España!

WKF – Dünya Kickboks Federasyonu sizi burada ağırlıyor

İngilizce bilgiler BURAYA

Değerli sporseverler,

WKF Avrupa web sitemizi burada bulabilirsiniz:

Aralık 2023’te WKF TÜRKIYE eski ulusal başkanımızı kovduk. Bu nedenle Türkiye için tüm hak ve yükümlülüklere sahip, nitelikli bir halefle ilgileniyoruz!


1. Amatör Dünya Şampiyonasımıza 18-22 Kasım tarihleri ​​arasında İspanya’nın Alicante kentinde ev sahipliği yapıyoruz.

İdeal olarak her zaman Türkiye’den bir takım bekleriz. Tüm takımlar için çevrimiçi kayıt artık açık:

Yalnızca talep üzerine erişim ve şifre alacaksınız.

2. Yıllık Dünya Hakem Semineri önceki Pazar, 17 Kasım’da gerçekleşecek. Ülke başına en az bir yetkili bulunmalıdır, ancak daha fazlası daha iyi olur!

3. Amatör kickboks, MMA, PRO kickboks ve 1 Mart’tan itibaren boks – amatör ve profesyonel, erkek ve kadın için küresel sıralamalar sunuyoruz. Daha fazla ön bilgiye buradaki ekte veya talep üzerine 7/24 e-posta yoluyla ulaşabilirsiniz.

4. Daha önce de belirttiğimiz gibi WKF – Dünya Kickboks Federasyonu, WKF Türkiye Başkanı olarak yeni bir temsilci arıyor.

Polonya’da düzenlenecek 2025 Avrupa Şampiyonası’nın duyurusu

Göreviniz Türkiye’deki WKF’mizi yeniden düzenlemek, turnuvaları ve akşam gösterilerini kendiniz düzenlemek veya Türkiye’de onaylamak olacaktır. Milli takımları kasım ayında 2024 Dünya Kupası’na, 2025’te ise Polonya’ya yapılacak Avrupa Şampiyonası’na götürüyoruz.

Dünyanın en büyük (!) derneklerinden birinde önemli bir rol oynamakla ciddi olarak ilgileniyorsanız, onayınızı bekliyoruz. e-posta yoluyla:

Son olarak kişisel bir toplantı da mümkündür. Size bir WKF süpervizörü göndermekten memnuniyet duyarız ancak Avusturya’ya da gelebilirsiniz.

Onlardan haber almak bizi mutlu ediyor,



Novedades de Latinoamérica

Nicaragua Evento KICKBOXING K1
Bajo el lema “JUNTO SOMAS MAS FUERTES” el pasado 25 de agosto se realizó en la ciudad de Granada, ciudad histórica de Nicaragua, el primer evento de Kickboxing modalidad K1
El evento estuvo avalado por la oficina de WKF Latinoamérica y el Caribe y el WKF Nicaragua como así por la comisión de Kickboxing del país a la cual se puso en conocimiento de dicha actividad.
Se realizaron competencias en 5 categorías femeninas y 7 categorías masculinas de las cuales participaron más de 10 academias interesadas en la competencia que ofrece WKF en el país.
En relación a las premiaciones se otorgaron medallas, certificados y trofeos contando con asistencia médica.
El evento transcurrió con total normalidad con varias peleas de carácter amateur.
Ecuador exámenes de grado
La mañana del día domingo 8 de septiembre del 2024 en las instalaciones del COLISEO DE DEPORTES JORGE MALDONADO SANCHEZ, se realizó este evento para ascender a los alumnos de la Academia THE DRAGON SPIRIT, de cinturón blanco a cinturón amarillo y para hacer la entrega de la credencial y certificación de WKF ECUADOR
Donde estuvo presente el Sr. JORGE ANDRES MALDONADO Presidente de Liga Cantonal de Portovelo, EL Dr. Luis Alberto Maldonado Vice-Alcalde de PORTOVELO, su apoyo a la difusión del deporte de contacto es de gran admiración, ahora la Federación Mundial De Kick Boxing Sede Ecuador, se hizo presente a cargo de su Representante el Master Carlos Duran, dando el nombramiento al Sensei Luis Alberto Ramírez Monsalve, como REPRESENTANTE para la provincia de El Oro, sabemos que su trabajo incondicional lograra hacer más semilleros de deportistas que representaran a la Provincia y al País en los nuevos eventos Nacionales e Internacionales que realice la World Kickboxing Federation.
También quiero expresar mis agradecimientos al Sr. Brian Añazco presidente de la Ciudadela El Oro por facilitar las instalaciones para que realicen su preparación técnica y se funde la escuela permanente cuna del semillero Orense.

Alexandra PETRE is looking for any fight in the World!




from Octagon pro Gym in Vienna, Austria was at the European Championship 2022 in Austria four time European champion.

Four Gold medals and again best athlete on this Championships.

Her weight class is the Ladies Heavyweight + 66 Kg / + 145 lbs,  favorite discipline is K-1

Her remarkable fight record in K-1 is:

41 fights, 38 wins, including 12 KO!

Petre also won the Gold medal in the European Championships in Trieste 2023 in Italy against strong opponents.

“GODZILLA” is currently number 1 in the WKF PRO-AM world rankings and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find opponents.

Alexandra would also do classical  PRO BOXING

Too many internet champions – too few real fighters ! 😈

“You’re not a champion, not the best fighter –

unless you beat the World champion”  – says Alexandra

GODZILLA is waiting your offer …

Her management is negotiating a K-1 World title fight in Cartagena, Colombia in summer 2025.

Plus World title defense in Sydney, new date TBA.

And an World title in 2024 in Alicante, plus possible title defense in …

Alexandra PETRE is WKF European and World Champion and currently one of the best fighters in the K-1 female heavyweight division in the World.




Alexandra PETRE is looking for a suitable opponent for any 5 X 2 minute K-1 duel.

OR in Cruiserweight pro Boxing as well.

All interested girls World wide have a chance of this fight. Re-match in Europe guaranteed and part of the deal.

Petre wants to challenge the best heavyweight girl at any event in the World! Send your offer, Money talks !

Against any suitable female heavyweight opponent + 66 Kg / + 145 lbs!

All you have to do is to send fighter profile and attach a good 2-3 jpg photo and email it.

If you were looking for an opponent for YOUR Girl  + 66 Kg

at YOUR NEXT EVENT, it would be a real great fight!

WKF licensed female referees and officials

Alexandra PETRE / Austria
Beatriz REYES / Chile

WKF HEAD OFFICE work very hard in cooperation with our IRC- “International rules committee”  to train our international officials and referees, to answer protests and requests for the competition rules and to develop our various WKF rules.

Katharina GOTTWALD / Austria

Our last World referee seminar´s 2022 in Wels, Austria, 2023 in Skofije, Slovenia and in Buenos Aires, Argentina appointed several new female WKF referees with international licenses.

Today we again have 11 female officials worldwide only with an international WKF referee license.

Alexandra KAPPEL / Austria

History has shown that nothing is set in stone.

As the world know – our next World referee seminar will be held in Spain, Sunday November 17th 2024, just before the WKF World Championships.


Melissa SAILER / Austria
Tanja HELML / Austria

The next but one World referee seminar will be held in Poland (!) in autumn 2025, the weekend just before the  European Championships 2025 .



Without valid WKF license you are not an official in our World Kickboxing Federation!

Pana BALADI / Germany
Cornelia GESPERGER / Austria

Today WKF has more than 120 international licensed referees on 6 continents.

Of these, unfortunately, we only have just 


eleven (!)

international licensed female officials

Susanna ARRIGHI / Argentina

Like all knowledge, World wide more and more strong female champions and athletes are fighting, on tatami and Ring!

Patrizia APOLOT / Uganda
Milva BRITEZ / Argentina

Our WKF executive board therefore emphatically

requests all our WKF country presidents

to send more female referees to Alicante, Spain, to the next World referee seminar in November 17th 2024, in our main Hotel La Familia Gallo Rojo


To all our country presidents World wide:

It’s in your hands and we just want

more female

licensed officials

WKF supervisor for CIS and Baltic States – Супервизор ВКФ

Роман Логиш / Roman LOGISCH

WKF head office has appointed Mr. Roman LOGISCH as Supervisor for CIS and Baltic States.

Mr. Logisch is since long time member and WKF GERMANY president. He speaks perfect German and is native Russian speaker as well.

For any further requests in East Europe please contact him by mail.


Роман Логиш

ВКФ Россия

Президент Федерации ВКФ в Германии.

Супервизор ВКФ в СНГ и Прибалтике

Роман родился в Казахской ССР. В 7 лет переехал с семьей в Белоруссию. Закончил БГУФК, учился на кафедре спортивно-боевых единоборств и спецподготовки.

Неоднократный победитель и призер международных турниров по рукопашному бою, тайландскому боксу и кикбоксингу. Чемпион Евразии по муай-тай, чемпион Европы среди профессионалов по кикбоксингу, боец “Суперлиги”.

вся информация на русском языке

Все страны теперь могут запросить доступ к регистрации по электронной почте

Регистрация уже открыта

С 2001г. проживает в Германии. Активно занимается тренерской и промоутерской деятельностью. Подготовил многократных чемпионов Германии и Европы по кикбоксингу.

Успешно развивает Федерацию ВКФ на территории Германии, является совладельцем спортивного профессионального клуба. По вопросам организации совместной работы обращайтесь на адрес электронной почты:

WKF POLAND zawsze bardzo udany

WKF POLSKA z nowym zespołem i kierownictwem

Najlepszy polski bokser i kickboxer we wszystkich dyscyplinach tatami i zapasach może już zgłaszać się do Pani Hnat o udział w Mistrzostwach Świata

Wstępny komunikat: Mistrzostwa Europy WKF 2025 w Polsce !!!

contact Pani Prezydent Ewa HNAT by email

Kolejne seminarium dla sędziów w Polsce już w przygotowaniu, Gabriela KUWIK nie może się doczekać wielu nowych uczestników

With immediate effect we have a new management and team in Poland.

WKF POLAND president Ms. Ewa Anna HNAT

Former president Mr. Dariusz ZAJACZ was long time our close friend of WKF. After his voluntary resignation, a new time has now dawned for Poland.

For the first time, the management of the WKF POLAND with a completely new team and head referee will go to a woman, which the WKF very much welcomes.

Były Prezes Dariusz ZAJACZ był przez długi czas naszym bliskim przyjacielem WKF. Po jego dobrowolnej rezygnacji nadchodzi nowy czas dla Polski.

Po raz pierwszy kierownictwo WKF POLSKA zostanie przekazane kobiecie z zupełnie nowym zespołem i nowym sędzią głównym, co WKF bardzo cieszy.

prior notice / wstępne zawiadomienie

The new president of WKF POLAND, Ms. Ewa Anna HNAT, has been involved in the management of WKF POLAND for many years. With her numerous foreign languages, she has often mediated at international events.

After there was again no Polish team at the European Championships in Trieste last Year, the WKF EUROPA continental federation has to set an example and react!.

If you are looking for fighters – men and women – from Poland and would like to book them for your next event,


or if YOU as a Polish fighter are interested in the new Polish WKF team and want to represent your country Poland in the best possible way in Alicante

or for all inquiries regarding new WKF POLAND – contact Ms. HNAT by email.

The first events in Poland will soon be in the online schedule, WKF POLAND will also nominate a large and strong team to Alicante for the world championship.

In view of the upcoming major anniversary World Championships from November 18th to 22nd in Alicante, Spain, further new presidents of the global WKF family will soon be appointed worldwide. We only have hard-working and very hard-working WKF presidents, we don’t have others

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