New chairman of the WKF BELARUS

Khmialkou Siarhei /  Хмельков Сергей Витальевич

After months of organizational preparations, the time has come:

New official representative and official confirmed chairman of the of the WKF BELARUS is Mr. Khmialkou Siarhei

in Russian: Хмельков Сергей Витальевич

He is General Director of the Republican Olympic Center and “Stayki”.

Генеральный директор Республиканского центра олимпийский подготовки «Стайки».

RCOT “Staiki” is a forge of talents for sports of the highest achievements. Many national teams and clubs have chosen this place for training and recuperation. At present, “Staiki” complex is the largest sports base in the country for the training of national teams of the Republic of Belarus for the European, World and Olympic Games in 20 different sports, and is also an excellent base for training athletes from other countries.
Отель, виза и вся информация ЗДЕСЬ

This is the place where:

  • you can go in for sports and rehabilitation;
  • organize a banquet, buffet, wedding or corporate evening;
  • reception and consultation of doctors, functional diagnostics are carried out.

It’s the only place where:

  • the largest sports medicine center in the Republic of Belarus;
  • 82 hectares of land surrounded by pine forests and crystal clear air.

Welcome to the WKF family

WKF BELARUS will of course be there in Chisinau, Moldova. Preparations are in full swing.

News from WKF Brasil

WKF BRAZIL has a new WKF President
Congratulations to Wagner Stive with all his experience in Kickboxen and as a Promotor we wish Wagner Stive all the best.

full information is here / informações completas estão aqui

French Open in Bruay La Buissiere

Open international de France WKF du 01 au 02 mars,

Ouvert à toutes les nations et équipes, pour plus d’informations, veuillez envoyer un e-mail à :

WKF French International Open from March 1st to 2nd

Open to all nations and teams. For more information please email to WKF FRANCE office

plus d’informations ICI / more information HERE

All our world rankings are updated

As always at the beginning of the year, all of our world rankings have been updated.

Every WKF champion has 12 months time to defend his/her title.

After 18 months at the latest – WITHOUT DEFENDING THE TITLE – the title becomes vacant.

Only those who are in our world rankings can fight for the coveted WKF titles!




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Nouvelles de la WKF CANADA / WKF CANADA News

Voici les dates de départ confirmées du calendrier WKFQ 2025 :

11 janvier – Sainte Hostilité
8 février – FTC 7
15 mars – Silvertooth K1
22 mars – Bûcheron 2
4 avril – Empire Fight League 3
3 mai – FTC 8
29 juin – Silvertooth K1
6 septembre – FTC 9
17 octobre – Empire Fight League 4
29 novembre – Silvertooth K1 Olympia
12 décembre – FTC 10

Nous avons d’autres dates à venir prochainement,

restez à l’écoute


Toutes les dates internationales sont toujours disponibles dans le calendrier en ligne

All international dates can always be found in the online schedule

Here are the confirmed starting dates for the 2025 WKFQ schedule:

January 11th – Holy Hostility
February 8th – FTC 7
March 15th – Silvertooth K1
March 22nd – Lumberjack 2
April 4th – Empire Fight League 3
May 3rd – FTC 8
June 29th – Silvertooth K1
September 6th – FTC 9
October 17th – Empire Fight League 4
November 29th – Silvertooth K1 Olympia
December 12th – FTC 10

We have more dates coming soon, stay tuned.

Two TOP events in Greece – MMA QUEST!

WKF GREECE president Annis DOMETIOU announces its first two events!

The year begins on February 15th with an international event in Athens. In addition to many Greek champions – women and men – foreign champions are also invited.

Two WKF title fights are the main fights on the fight card.

Mr. Dometiou has started his work as the new World President of the Muay Thai Division!

The newly updated age and weight classes will apply from January 1, 2025!

Our Greek sports friends are known everywhere as very strong but fair MMA fighters.

The MMA QEST is now in its 14th edition.

Together with our MMA Division World President Dimitris PAPAKONSTANTINOU many of the best MMA champions from all over Europe will compete to determine the best.

If you are interested in participating in the MMA Quest series, send your request directly to our WKF GREECE office, president Annis DOMETIOU by e-mail