… send next amazing event in Athens, March 2nd !

WKF – we are the real global player
… send next amazing event in Athens, March 2nd !
The Staiki Olympic training center – the largest sports base to train athletes in over 20 sports.
Restaurant on the territory of the training center.
WKF World head office confirm herewith, that “Republic of Belarus” is represented in the WKF – World Kickboxing federation by the Olympic Training Center “Staiki”.
The Mir Castle Complex is a unique monument of national culture of Belarus. In 2000 it was listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
Very famous is also the “MIR CASTLE Hotel” in this amazing sport complex founded in 1520 (!) and hi recommended from WKF EUROPE head office!
Perhaps a venue for International referee seminar, congress meetings and more in near future!
With Genadii SAZONOV we have a new WKF MOLDOVA President and a new, better team in WKF EUROPE.
Here is a brief overview, and the email contact:
About the Academy!
The beginning of the way
The Kickboxing Academy appeared in March 2016 as a branch of the Tiraspol Sports and Youth Sports School of Wrestling and Boxing.
Over the course of ten years before the official opening, the President of the RO “National Federation of Kickboxing” and “Muay Thai of Transnistria”, Gevlich Alexander Slavyevich and enthusiastic trainers: Derkachenko I.V., Afanasyev S.I., Samoilenko A.D., a huge amount of work was done work on beautification of the adjacent territory and renovation of the building, which was in critical condition, where the youth club “Rovesnik” was located, on the site of which the Kickboxing Academy is now located.
Official establishment of the academy
In 2015, a kickboxing division appeared in the Tiraspol Sports and Youth Sports School represented by the Academy, where the process of preparing the premises for work was already underway.
The above-mentioned trainers, sparing no effort and time, were able to obtain funding from the city leadership.
At the beginning of 2016, the mayor of Tiraspol (at that time Bezbabchenko A.I.) made a decision to help complete the renovation work and equip the Kickboxing Academy with modern equipment.
In March 2016, the grand opening of the capital’s Kickboxing Academy was held.
Our achievements
For five years now, the academy’s athletes have been achieving high results and winning at various sporting events, including world-class fights.
Today in Pridnestrovie there are six Honored Masters of Sports, one of whom is an athlete at the Kickboxing Academy, an Honored Master of Sports, world and European champion – Kazaku Maxim. A graduate of the Nichitaelo Academy, Victor became a master of sports of the Russian Federation, winner of the Russian Championship, European champion and silver medalist of the World Junior Championship as part of the Russian national team.
… are already online in the international schedule.
send us your dates for 2024 by email immediately today,
remember that the WKF World Championship
will take place in Spain in October!
2024 América se pone en movimiento!
Desde Latinoamérica El director Continental y del Caribe Carlos Suarez les desea un gran año 2024 y lo mejor para todos, arrancando el año con mucho trabajo.
Preparando todo el continente para la Fiesta del deporte como lo es El MUNDIAL WKF este 2024 que se realizará en España en noviembre en breve se publicará en el calendario OFICIAL la data del evento.
Subdirectores Continentales
Algo inédito ocurrió en el Continente americano hacia fines de 2023 se nombraron 2 subdirectores continentales, por el Continente el Señor Rodrigo Miño Silva director de WKF en Chile y por el Caribe el Señor Luis Mediomundo Promotor internacional por Colombia.
Dichos subdirectores estarán en pleno ejercicio desde 2024 y con vistas a los campeonatos del 2025 donde en América se desarrollarán 2 Campeonatos OFICIALES, uno del Caribe, que se realizara en la primera parte del año hasta el mes de junio y el segundo, El Continental, entre los meses de Julio a noviembre. El objetivo es que todos los competidores tengan las mismas experiencias ya que por las distancias muchas veces las competencias internacionales pueden ser difíciles y así los campeonatos pueden ser más participativos.
Uruguay, con nuevo
director deportivo Ignacio Valdez desde el 1ro de enero asumió sus labores como director deportivo de Uruguay quedando a cargo del país Charrúa y autorizado a formar equipos con vista a los próximos compromisos internacionales como lo son los campeonatos en el continente y mundial 2024
México, con nuevo PROMOTOR
Jaime Aparicio Barranco es el nuevo hombre en MEXICO situado en Distrito Federal, Jaime es presidente de Kreiger League (entre otras organizaciones).
Esta liga se especializa en Full Contact con una gran proyección Internacional entre sus viajes del año 2023 ha llevado muchos competidores mexicanos a eventos de primer nivel en América, temática que piensa repetir en 2024 y prepara un gran equipo de FULL CONTACT para el mundial 2024.
México tiene un gran nivel de competidores provenientes de Kreiger League.
Bolivia, sigue creciendo
Luego de la actuación del equipo boliviano en el campeonato Panamericano el promotor Oliver Guzman Espinoza firmo múltiples acuerdos con organizaciones deportivas en Bolivia para sumarlos a lo que será la COPA BOLIVIA que se desarrollara entre los meses de mayo/junio donde saldrá el equipo que representara al país en el campeonato del mundo.
Chile, Copa Chile un clásico trasandino
Rodrigo Miño director de WKF Chile luego de su categorización de Referee Internacional A ya esta planificando una nueva edición de la Copa Chile que clasifica competidores al mundial luego de un arduo proceso de selección.
Chile presento un gran equipo en 2023 y muestra como ha crecido en los últimos años, Miño asegura un gran equipo en el campeonato del mundo y una importante presencia en el medallero.
Chile es considerada hoy una de los platos fuertes de América.
Venezuela, campeonato Bolivariano en marzo
De la mano del Promotor Internacional José Palenzuela del 28 al 30 de marzo de 2024 se desarrollará en el estado de Cumana departamento de Sucre el Campeonato Bolivariano Copa Abel de la América, este evento reunirá a gran cantidad de países del Norte de Sur América y Centro América en una jornada de 3 días intensos.
Esta prevista la presencia del director de Latinoamérica y el Caribe Sr Carlos Suarez quien además estará dando capacitaciones de nivel 1 y 2. Quienes quieran recibir más información contactarse con la Promotora en Venezuela o con la Oficina en Latinoamérica.
Argentina, Se viene la Copa Argentina en abril
Sera la única fecha del 2024 clasificatoria para el Mundial de España 2024, Argentina ya tiene un PRE EQUIPO que surgió de los campeones del país de todas las categorías en el campeonato Panamericano y que la segunda plaza para el campeonato del mundo la dará la COPA ARGENTINA que se desarrollará el 20 de abril en Buenos Aires.
La variante de este evento que es de modalidad OPEN y que invita a otras organizaciones del país a participar y sumarse uniendo el deporte nacional.
Colombia, campeonato Internacional en Julio
Luis Mediomundo será el encargado de llevar a cabo el 20 y 21 de julio en Piedecuesta Colombia el campeonato internacional donde se pondrán en juegos TITULOS Continentales WKF y varios títulos nacionales.
Este campeonato tendrá gran relevancia ya que se espera la visita del presidente Mundial Fritz EXENBERGER quien además estaría brindando un curso internacional de modalidades de TATAMI y de RING con certificación internacional valida por 3 años.
Este evento reunirá gran cantidad de competidores de diferentes estados de Colombia además de otros países limítrofes y Centroamérica.
Gran trabajo el que el Señor Mediomundo viene realizando en Colombia donde ya se crearon equipos de trabajo y comisión de Referee WKF para los diferentes departamentos.
Esto es solo un breve resumen de las próximas actividades para el continente americano. Próximamente más novedades.
The MRDC 28th National Kickboxing championships from 22nd to 23rd December 2023 at YC Hall Goroka, EHP ended up successfully.
More then 120 fighters both male and female age groups from 12 yrs and over who showcased their skills and talents to secure themselves for Kickboxing World Cup in Spain in November 2024.
President of the PNG Kickboxing Federation, Chief Stanley Nandex said, he was overwhelmed by the attendance particularly the provinces like, Hela, SHP, Enga, Mt Hagen, Jiwaka, Chimbu, Goroka, Madang, Lae and NCD for taking part in the two days event. He said the event was part of the final selection after the first selection was done in Port Moresby during the regional championships in June 2023.
Nandex said through this selection process, lot of potential fighters both male and female fighters were identified from four regions to represent the country for the world cup in 2024.
He said PNG has a natural ability and potential in Kickboxing sport which is part our strength to win major international events. Nandex said government should be focusing and investing on sports that has higher potentials like Kickboxing, but its very unfair that less attention and support has been given to this date.
He said since the selection is made , the PNG Kickboxing Federation will be working hard to do all the fundraising drive to take the team for the world meet. He also want to thank MRDC for the sponsorship in hosting the 28th National Kickboxing championships successfully.
The highlight of Event was to witness the main event between Bata Kai of SHP vs Joseph Amanah of EHP, the fight went distance after 3 rounds and had a draw and extention of one more minute but Amanah could not continue due to injury sustained so the victory went to Bata Kai who won on TKO.
In the female main event , International WKF gold Medalist Mainella Kambar was not a visitor representing NCD in 70kg who took on Arthur James of Flame Fight Gym Goroka. The fight was one of the best highlights of the tournament when YC Hall became on fire and alive , supporters screening as originally both fighters Mainella represents Simbu and Arthur EHP. The fight went distance and had a draw in the final round. Arthur who came in very strong with hard punches while Mainella took the fight under control with both combinations of Kick punch but couldn’t resist the power of Arthur who came very strong and won by enormous decision.
In overall Medal-Tally from eight (8) participating clubs and associations, the 27th National Kickboxing championships title went to Team Simbu with 11 Golds, 4 Silver, 2nd Runner-up went to Team SHP with 10 Golds, 2 silver, 3rd place goes to Team WHP with 6 gold , 2 silver, 4th place went to , Team Morobe with 4 Golds, 2 silver 5th place went to Team Jiwaka with 4 Golds 1 Silver, 6th place went to Team Enga with 3 Golds , 7th Place went to Team Team Hela with 2 Golds 2 silver, and the 8th place went to NCD with 2 Golds 1 silver.
Nandex said, the announcement of the national selection for the 2024 World Championships in Spain in October will be made soon.
Prepared and authorized by PNGKBF
Qualificazione per la Coppa del Mondo in Spagna
The last WKF title fight took place on December 22nd in Hungary. Sanctioned by WKF HUNGARY.
Supervisor was our WKF PRO World president Mr. Istvan ROZMAN.
Venue was the famous “Sportcenter Nagyvenim”, the event was almost sold out!
The internationally good fight card had champions from Hungary, Austria and Serbia.
Top international fighters showed great performances in boxing, K1 and Thai boxing
Main fight was for the “WKF pro international K1 title” between Serbian Mirko JOVANOVIC and local hero Renàto GÒMAN from Hungary. Weight category was Middleweight – 75 Kg / 165 lbs.
This fight was very clear and ended with a knockout in the first round.
New WKF pro international champion Renàto GÒMAN by KO in the first round after 1:45 minutes.