All our world rankings are updated

As always at the beginning of the year, all of our world rankings have been updated.

Every WKF champion has 12 months time to defend his/her title.

After 18 months at the latest – WITHOUT DEFENDING THE TITLE – the title becomes vacant.

Only those who are in our world rankings can fight for the coveted WKF titles!




For all amateurs in Chinese Sanda boxing


For amateur ring sport all PRO-AM


For real professional Champions in Ring sport


For real Champions in MMA


For real Champions in BOXING


Nouvelles de la WKF CANADA / WKF CANADA News

Voici les dates de départ confirmées du calendrier WKFQ 2025 :

11 janvier – Sainte Hostilité
8 février – FTC 7
15 mars – Silvertooth K1
22 mars – Bûcheron 2
4 avril – Empire Fight League 3
3 mai – FTC 8
29 juin – Silvertooth K1
6 septembre – FTC 9
17 octobre – Empire Fight League 4
29 novembre – Silvertooth K1 Olympia
12 décembre – FTC 10

Nous avons d’autres dates à venir prochainement,

restez à l’écoute


Toutes les dates internationales sont toujours disponibles dans le calendrier en ligne

All international dates can always be found in the online schedule

Here are the confirmed starting dates for the 2025 WKFQ schedule:

January 11th – Holy Hostility
February 8th – FTC 7
March 15th – Silvertooth K1
March 22nd – Lumberjack 2
April 4th – Empire Fight League 3
May 3rd – FTC 8
June 29th – Silvertooth K1
September 6th – FTC 9
October 17th – Empire Fight League 4
November 29th – Silvertooth K1 Olympia
December 12th – FTC 10

We have more dates coming soon, stay tuned.

Two TOP events in Greece – MMA QUEST!

WKF GREECE president Annis DOMETIOU announces its first two events!

The year begins on February 15th with an international event in Athens. In addition to many Greek champions – women and men – foreign champions are also invited.

Two WKF title fights are the main fights on the fight card.

Mr. Dometiou has started his work as the new World President of the Muay Thai Division!

The newly updated age and weight classes will apply from January 1, 2025!

Our Greek sports friends are known everywhere as very strong but fair MMA fighters.

The MMA QEST is now in its 14th edition.

Together with our MMA Division World President Dimitris PAPAKONSTANTINOU many of the best MMA champions from all over Europe will compete to determine the best.

If you are interested in participating in the MMA Quest series, send your request directly to our WKF GREECE office, president Annis DOMETIOU by e-mail

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody!

WKF X-mas card

Nous vous souhaitons un Joyeux Noel et une Bonne Année!

Feliz Navidad y un Feliz Año Nuevo!

Kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket és boldog új évet!

Prajeme Vam krasne Vianoce a stastny novy rok!



Feliz Natal e um Feliz Ano Novo!

Wesołych Świąt i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!

Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo!

Vesel bôžič in srečno novo leto!

Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr!

  메리 크리스마스, 해피 뉴 이어!

С Рождеством и Новым Годом!

News from the WKF World Congress in Spain

As expected, there were numerous rule changes, new dates for 2025/2026, innovations worldwide and of course the eagerly awaited board election of the World Amateur Federation.

The WKF FRANCE President John LELONG has confirmed the “French Open 2025”, all information will be available in January.

WKF Amateur Division Worldpresident Carlos SUAREZ, Argentina, WKF FRANCE President John LELONG

The 2025 European Championship has now definitely been awarded to Moldova’s capital Chisinau. The venue is the newly built “Chisinau Arena”.

The date has been confirmed as June 22nd to 30th. The organizer is WKF MOLDOVA President Rustam ALIMOV, who also organized the last European Cup very successfully.

For this, WKF POLAND President Ms. Ewa HNAT is organizing the “Open European Cup” in October in the huge Orbita sports hall in Wroclaw.

Before that, the WKF WORLD CUP will take place in Minsk in September, the WKF will be visiting Belarus for the first time. As is usual in Eastern Europe, with public support, we are in the Olympic Training Center “Staiki” near Minsk. The South Americans , Europeans and many Asians have already confirmed their participation!


In return, the Europeans will come to Bucaramanga in Colombia in November and take part in the “Caribbean Open”. Promoter is WKF COLOMBIA President Louis MEDIOMUNDO. He is also the new WKF Caribbean direktor.

Two title fights for Austrian girls are already being negotiated there! An international K-1 title – 57 kg and another intercontinental title – 50 kg would be possible with sufficient funding.

The WKF World Championship was confirmed for Cartagena in Colombia in the fall of 2026.

The new elections brought the expected result.

Rodrigo MINO, Chile
Mikhael GERASIMOV, Russia

The new Amateur Division World President is now the Argentinian Carlos SUAREZ, at the same time the Chilean Rodrigo MINO became the new South American Continental Director.

The elected Vice President is Mikhael GERASIMOV from Moscow, who has great influence in Eastern Europe and enjoys great respect.

Annis DOMETIOU, Greece and WKF World president / CEO Fritz EXENBERGER

The new division world president for Muay Thai is the Greek Annis DOMETIOU.

This gives Thai boxing more weight in the WKF and the number of participants will multiply in the near future. Dometiou is famous as a major organizer of his “MAD DOG” events.

PAPAKONSTANTINOU Dimitris, new WKF World MMA director

A new division world director has also been confirmed in MMA.

Dimitris PAPAKONSTANTINOU is another Greek on the world association board. He is coach of numerous professional Greek MMA fighters competing in UFC , Bellator, Cage warriors, Fight Night, King of the cage, Abu Dhabi warriors Oktagon etc. Dimitris holds his masters degree in sports management by university of Peloponnese.

We will introduce him in more detail shortly!


Daniel HIRLAU was confirmed as world president of the BOXING / BKFC division. Hirlau has very successfully anchored boxing in the WKF in a very short time.

German Roman LOGISCH is new WKF General secratary, new WKF GERMANY president is David SVIDER.

Further information about the rule changes, valid from January 1st, 2025, will follow shortly.

WKF World Championships in Alicante


… was the expected great success!


all results online

At the registration deadline, 62 nations from all 6 continents were registered online. As feared, some countries had not received entry visas, for whatever reason.

During registration on the first day, more than 500 fighters from 5 continents stepped on the scales, including, happily, more than 100 female athletes.

The quality and level of the fights were truly worthy of a world championship. If you don’t believe it, you can qualify for the 2026 World Championship in Colombia. There you can compete against the truly best fighters and be crowned a true world champion.

At the World Congress on Monday, more than 30 country presidents were present for the first time. Many new dates for events World wide for 2025/2026 were assigned and confirmed. The new WKF board was elected for 4 years until the 2028 World Championship!

A new world director for MMA and also for Muay Thai was also confirmed. Also a new WKF ASIA continental director was nominated!

As expected, the IRC – International Rules Committee made some rule changes, effective from January 1st, 2025.

More details and results will follow shortly, stay tuned….

WKF WORLD CONGRESS 2024 in Alicante

Important Announcement

Due to the anniversary World Championship

60 years of the World Kickboxing Federation

in Alicante, Spain, our office will be on vacation from

November 11th to November 26th

Inquiries will therefore not be processed immediately

Election of the WKF board amateur division

WKF 1964 – 2024

At the upcoming World Championships in Alicante, Spain, the WKF World Congress will take place again on November 18th. Agenda HERE

In accordance with the statutes and rules of procedure of WKF WORLD FEDERATION, the board of the “WKF Amateur division” is re-elected every 4 years.


The Argentinian Carlos SUAREZ has been proposed as the new amateur division World president and the Russian Mikael GERASIMOV as 1st vice president.

The 6 continental directors will also be new elected, and the proposals have arrived at the World federation head office in Vienna.

full invitation is HERE

Upon request (!) we will gladly send a PDF by email to all WKF Presidents who would like a copy of the Articles and Statutes of our WKF World Federation.

The new board will then be valid until the 2028 World Championship. Maybe in Germany, Greece, Minsk, UK or Sydney ?

Photos of Alicante !

WKF is hosting the World congress on Monday, November 18th at 7pm and take place in our main Hotel

Please come all proper dressed in dark Blazer and tie, per country just two people only.
a total of 76 nations worldwide participated – click here

Since January 1st, 2023, the WKF has dismissed – or replaced – more than 40 country presidents worldwide.

Including two division world presidents! Have a look HERE !

Because of inactivity, disloyalty or, unfortunately, inability.


Only full member countries have the right to vote and to be elected. A chance to become new WKF country president in WKF WORLD FEDERATION Next election 2028 !

The new board of the WKF AFRICA continental federation will also be elected there, valid until 2028. All 32 African presidents present who are full members have the right to vote!

All our WKF country presidents are expected to the congress and invited on Tuedsday 19th for dinner.

We look forward to working with new experts who would like to represent their country as the new WKF president

Come to Alicante in Spain for the World Congress!