WKF European Cup in Moldova

promoter Mr. Rustam ALIMOV

Under the leadership of WKF MOLDOVA, the official WKF European Cup was held in the capital Chisinau.

700+ Athletes from 17 nations from Eastern and Western Europe took part in the ring and tatami.

In addition to the TV live broadcast and of course the usual ONLINE live stream, many official representatives from politics, business and sports were also present!

Among the officials were:
Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova – Batrincha Vlad,
President of the Professional Boxing Federation of the Republic of Moldova – Chirtoca Alexei, Mayor of Chisinau – Cebanu Ion, Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Moldova – Kalinin Anatoly Nikolaevich,
General Director of the State Institution “Republican Olympic Training Center “Staiki””, official representative of the WKF in Belarus – Sergey Vasilyevich Khmelkov


From the WKF e.g. Ivan DERKACHENKO, Igor BAYBARA, Roman LOGISCH and special guest WKF World President Fritz EXENBERGER, multiple World Champion Alexandra PETRE etc.

In addition to the European Cup, 5 (!) WKF titles were also fought in K-1!

The event was TOP organized and Moldova has applied to host the “Open World Cup” in June 2025 in amazing Chisinau Arena. Initial negotiations have started.

You can find over 100 photos HERE!

WKF fighters license for all WKF Championships

Without WKF license – no participation
To be entered into the various worldwide WKF rankings: fill in the FIGHTER PROFILE , add a jpg Photo at and show your fighter license by registration in the venue.

Novedades de Latinoamérica


por Axel Domínguez promotor WKF Guatemala
Con el apoyo de la Municipalidad de Retalhuleu y con la participación de varias escuelas de Artes marciales del programa jóvenes protagonistas del ministerio de desarrollo social MIDES se llevó a cabo el pasado 20 de setiembre de 2024 el torneo independencia en el municipio de Retalhuleu.

El evento fue organizado por WKF GUATEMALA y el señor ALCALDE LICENCIADO PABLO VILLATORO y patrocinado por la Municipalidad de Retalhuleu.

Participaron más de 40 atletas de la costa sur de Guatemala que la Federación Mundial de Kickboxing y la municipalidad de RETALHULEU están apoyando para el desarrollo del deporte juvenil.


por Roberto Marchena promotor WKF COSTA RICA.

El día 29 de septiembre del 2024 se realizó nuestro primer encuentro como una federación consolidada en la modalidad Kickboxing K1 reforzando la disciplina, el coraje y una de las cualidades más importantes, los lazos de amistad.


by Axel Domínguez, WKF Guatemala promoter
With the support of the Municipality of Retalhuleu and with the participation of several martial arts schools from the young protagonists program of the Ministry of Social Development MIDES, the independence tournament was held on September 20, 2024 in the municipality of Retalhuleu. The event was organized by WKF GUATEMALA and Mr. MAYOR PABLO VILLATORO and sponsored by the Municipality of Retalhuleu. More than 40 athletes from the southern coast of Guatemala participated, who the World Kickboxing Federation and the municipality of RETALHULEU are supporting for the development of youth sport.

COSTA RICA, FIRST MEETING, by Roberto Marchena, WKF COSTA RICA promoter
On September 29, 2024, our first meeting as a consolidated federation in the K1 Kickboxing modality was held, reinforcing discipline, courage and one of the most important qualities, the bonds of friendship.

Nuevo Promotor en Nicaragua

Profesor Carlos Alberto Tiffer Peña

Desde la oficina de Latinoamérica le damos la Bienvenida al Profesor Carlos Alberto Tiffer Peña quien se desempeñara como promotor en el Nicaragua país de Centro América.

El señor Peña tiene llegada a todos los Clubes del país y asegura que pronto estarán realizando una mayor cantidad de eventos amateurs incluyendo cruces internacionales entre Nicaragua y Guatemala.
Muchos éxitos en su nuevo Rol de Promotor de la Federación Mundial de Kickboxing.

From the Latin American office we welcome Professor Carlos Alberto Tiffer Peña who will serve as a promoter in Nicaragua, a Central American country.

Mr. Peña has access to all the Clubs in the country and assures that they will soon be holding a greater number of amateur events, including international cross-country events between Nicaragua and Guatemala.

Many successes in his new role as Promoter of the World Kickboxing Federation.

WKF Iraq Pro Kickboxing Committee report

Majeed HUSAM, WKF middle east supervisor

One of our most loyal and active friends in the Middle East is Majeed HUSAM.

As WKF supervisor, he is the highest ranking official of the WKF in this region.

Against all odds, he is successfully trying to move our sport forward and is now reporting on his latest event.

Mr. Husam is also being considered as a possible candidate to become a member of the World Federation Board. As is well known, new elections for the WKF World Federation Board will take place at the World Congress in November in Spain.

WKF IRAQ has already confirmed its participation in the World Championship in Alicante from November 18th to 22nd. The necessary entry visas for Spain will ultimately decide this.

Sponsored by the Iraqi Kickboxing and Martial Arts Foundation, in cooperation with the Al-Kazemi Humanitarian Foundation and the Holy Karbala Youth and Sports Directorate.

WKF ASIA continental federation

The Iraq Pro Kickboxing Committee holds a basic training course and a developmental judging course in the Olympic Hall in the Holy Government of Karbala for two days, Thursday and Friday, 4-5/7/2024.

The world awaits the best girls and boys from iraq and middle east at the World Championships in Alicante, Spain

الشباب سعداء ويستعدون لكأس العالم في إسبانيا


WKF TURKEY – get ready for Alicante


Dünya Kickboks Federasyonu sizi burada ağırlıyor

Değerli sporseverler,

WKF Avrupa web sitemizi burada bulabilirsiniz: europe.wkfworld.com

Aralık 2023’te WKF TÜRKIYE eski ulusal başkanımızı kovduk. Bu nedenle Türkiye için tüm hak ve yükümlülüklere sahip, nitelikli bir halefle ilgileniyoruz!

1. Amatör Dünya Şampiyonasımıza 18-22 Kasım tarihleri ​​arasında İspanya’nın Alicante kentinde ev sahipliği yapıyoruz.


İdeal olarak her zaman Türkiye’den bir takım bekleriz. Tüm takımlar için çevrimiçi kayıt artık açık: wkf-registration.herokuapp.com

Yalnızca talep üzerine erişim ve şifre alacaksınız.

2. Yıllık Dünya Hakem Semineri önceki Pazar, 17 Kasım’da gerçekleşecek. Ülke başına en az bir yetkili bulunmalıdır, ancak daha fazlası daha iyi olur!

3. Amatör kickboks, MMA, PRO kickboks ve 1 Mart’tan itibaren boks – amatör ve profesyonel, erkek ve kadın için küresel sıralamalar sunuyoruz. Daha fazla ön bilgiye buradaki ekte veya talep üzerine 7/24 e-posta yoluyla ulaşabilirsiniz.


4. Daha önce de belirttiğimiz gibi WKF – Dünya Kickboks Federasyonu, WKF Türkiye Başkanı olarak yeni bir temsilci arıyor.

Göreviniz Türkiye’deki WKF’mizi yeniden düzenlemek, turnuvaları ve akşam gösterilerini kendiniz düzenlemek veya Türkiye’de onaylamak olacaktır. Milli takımları kasım ayında 2024 Dünya Kupası’na, 2025’te ise Polonya’ya yapılacak Avrupa Şampiyonası’na götürüyoruz.

Dünyanın en büyük (!) derneklerinden birinde önemli bir rol oynamakla ciddi olarak ilgileniyorsanız, onayınızı bekliyoruz. e-posta yoluyla: supervisor@wkfworld.com

Son olarak kişisel bir toplantı da mümkündür. Size bir WKF süpervizörü göndermekten memnuniyet duyarız ancak Avusturya’ya da gelebilirsiniz.

Onlardan haber almak bizi mutlu ediyor,




WKF CZECH REPUBLIC web site waiting for your updates

Předseda pan Raddy DIVIS

WKF CZECH REPUBLIC is ready for your updates, from all our WKF Czech Republic members, promoters and clubs. 

Help WKF to help you for your event. If you want to promote any WKF event in Czech republic, amateur tournament, or PRO-AM , PPF, SANDA or MMA title fight send just a mail to our office.

On our web site you could also change the language, just have a look on the top right hand, easy to use.

For any requests to our Czech friends send just a mail to head office.

Předseda pan Raddy DIVIS

Česká Republika úřad mail: office@wkf.cz

Hledáme nové zaměstnance pro řízení WKF v České republice !!!

Těšíme se na Vás …

New WKF LITHUANIA team confirmed for Spain

Sveiki atvykę į didelę WKF šeimą !

Our president in Lithuania Mr. Eugenijus DEMIDOV confirm!

WKF LITHUANIA president Mr. Eugenijus DEMIDOV

All our Lithuanian athletes who would like to take part in the WKF World Championships in Spain in November, please send an email to our new WKF LITHUANIA president Mr. Eugenijus DEMIDOV.

You can find his short introduction here:

In sports world 29 years. Different conditions and disciplines for updating the current – main streams 

Full body conditioning / Kickboxing / Muay Thai /  / Psychology – Rehabilitation . Black Belt – certificate of excellence on WKN.

WACO Lithuania tournaments, members of LKF / LMMAF.

PRIOR NOTICE / AVIS PRÉALABLE / 事先通知 / Предварительное извещение / preaviso / Vorankündigung / aviso prévio / पूर्व सूचना

Username and access NOW available on request

registration NOW open until November 1st

what position does YOUR country have in the world? click here

The best male and female WKF champions are welcome in Spain!

NOVEMBER 18th – 22nd    1964 – 2024    60 YEARS WKF
first time with amateur BOXING– MALE AND FEMALES
Bienvenido a España!

African ranking, following the last five WKF World Championships:

The next board election of the African WKF continental federation will take place in November 2024 in the Spanish city of Alicante at the World Congress of the World Championship. All African nations present in Spain are invited.

best African fighters – male and female – are in Spain

African ranking, following the last five World Kickboxing Federation World Championships:

– 2012 (Varazdin Croatia)
– 2014 (Prague Czechia)
– 2016 (Andria Italy)
– 2018 (Buenos Aires Argentina)
– 2021 (Cairo Egypt)


Best African countries:

76 nations au total / a total of 76 nations have participatedclick HERE
01- South Africa
02- Uganda

05- Algeria
06- Cameroon
07- Ghana
08- Kenya
09- Morocco
10- Nigeria
11- Tanzania

WKF AFRICA needs the support of all African countries to recover and assert itself in the World Kickboxing Federation, not only at the amateur level, but also at the professional level, relying on great victories like that of Cameroonian Jean Michel MBOCK against the very talented Igor Pesterev, June 16, 2016 in Russia Tyumen, West Sibiria. World title in K-1 in super middle weight – 78 Kg.

Invitation and all information can be found online / L’invitation et toutes les informations sont disponibles en ligne

All of Africa is being challenged by the next World Championships in Alicante, Spain, November 18 to 22, 2024.

Classement africain, à l’issu des cinq derniers championnats du Monde de la World Kickboxing Federation :
– 2012 (Varazdin Croatia)
– 2014 (Prague Czech Republic)
– 2016 (Andria Italy)
– 2018 (Buenos Aires Argentina)
– 2021 (Cairo Egypt).

Meilleurs pays africains :

WKF AFRICA continental federation

01- South Africa
02- Uganda
03- Tunisia
04- Egypt
05- Algeria
06- Cameroon
07- Ghana
08- Kenya
09- Maroc
10- Nigeria
11- Tanzania

La WKF AFRICA a besoin du concours de tous les pays d’Afrique pour se relever et s’affirmer dans la World Kickboxing Federation, pas seulement au niveau amateur, mais aussi au niveau professionnel, en s’appuyant sur des grandes victoires comme celle du Camerounais Jean Michel MBOCK face au très talentueux Igor Pesterev, le 16 juin 2016 à Tyumen, West Sibiria en Russie. Titre du monde en K-1 dans les super middle weight – 78 Kg.
C’est toute l’Afrique qui est interpellé par les prochains Championnats du Monde à Alicante, en Espagne, 18 au 22 novembre 2024.